These are the appointed times of the LORD, holy convocations which you shall proclaim at the times appointed for them. Leviticus 23:4 KJV
I have been needing to blog, and have had so much to blog that I and overwhelmed. This rollercoaster of life hasn't changed in the least, however I have been involved in what I believe is taking me from this season of life to the next. For most of my life, purpose has been determined by whatever is happening at that particular time. Reflecting back as far as I can remember the motivating force for way too long was to please people. Growing up, and even into early adulthood my parents relatives, friends, let me just say people in general. I wanted to be whoever I needed to be "fit in". During my time in the United States Army, being so far away from family was when I think the awareness of "I'm ok" the way God created me came about.I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14 KJV
Even so seems like I wondered around life trying this and that, taking on other responsibilities that had nothing to do with me before arriving here. When I started the "Live Strong" program in my mind I was fulfilling the doctor's recommendation, though after reading the material I did not see how I fit in. One thing I kept thinking to myself is at least I would have a little more time before going out on my own to develop a "new daily exercise program". After the first week I realized that the program was about more than developing a physical program, turns out to be the stepping stone for the next season of my life.

Everyone in the class noticed that I was the one with the most physical issues, and it is difficult to admit, but I was kind of irritated that I was put on display again (seems to be a part of the plan). It took everything I had to get through the initial physical tests, and I had to leave my paperwork to finish after the class time. When you are paralyzed from shoulders to feet everything is included my writing is just getting to a legible point (therapy really does pay off). It was clear now why my trainer made me wait for the next class to began, even though it had just started. This would be a total body transformation.

It is now as I am reflecting how God always has a plan and listening is crucial to be able to join Him where He is working. For me it is there that I find purpose to continue with a happy heart. My purpose has changed from time to time but the constant is God. I've chased after things to keep up with what others were doing but that never really ended well for me. I'm me and I am the only one created to do me.
Neuromylitis Optica has physically, and mentally changed my life.... in a positive way
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 NIV
God gave me the ability to minister in song, NMO is the motivation, and people needing hope is the inspiration. I go back to wanting to make people happy but when I find myself there, I do an inventory to be sure that I am lining up with what the word of God teaches, regroup and move on.
Some exciting "New things are happening in my New Day". There is no hiding I experienced some very dark times over the past three years and even before that, but it took all of that to get here. No trials, test ... no testimonies. We all have a purpose, a "job" to do I was distracted trying to do someone else's job, God's grace and mercy bought me to where I think HE can be glorified through my life.
Be encouraged to know that HE created you and threw the mold away.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I sat you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations". Jeremiah 1:5 NI,V
God leads, guides, because He created each of us specifically to do what only we can do. Follow Him and by doing that I've found most people are satisfied, and it illuminates the "Mrs. Fix It" mentality for me. Doing me by God's design requires a lot of time and energy, leaving little to no time for much else.

Don't delay you can start today ..... it's a new season and a new day!!